Do I Need a Permit?

"Are permits required for my project?" 

Is a common and complex question we get from prospective clients regarding their projects.

Almost every project we come across  has it's own specific qualities that make it unique and invariably the same question arises, "Do we need a permit for this?".  While the first thought on the subject could be, "Of course we need a permit, the city wants their cut of the action...", or conversely, "What they don't know won't hurt them...".  It can be a little more complex than that, you can in fact hurt the value of your property by completeing renovations without a permit.  Unpermitted work could cost you a lot more than you originally budgeted for your project. These costs could be as small as fines due to the building department when you try to sell your home, even having to pay to prove the construction techniques are code approved through deconstruction and inspections, or as large as dismantling the entire job.  As a licensed contractor it is our responsibility to inform our clients that they should get a permit, it protects your investment and gives you peace of mind by going through the inspection and approval process. It may seem like going through the permitting process is both costly and time consuming, but it doesn't have to be.  San Diego has outlined a list of projects that don't require permits!  

Click the links below to see what you can build

Building Permit Requirements

City of San Diego: 

County of San Diego:


City of San Diego:

County of San Diego: